Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Adoption Week (OK, Adoption Hoop Week)

For me, this is the week of adoption hoops. Tomorrow: Doctor's appointment. Friday: social worker. Saturday (supposed to be a BEAUTIFUL day): adoption education, 9-5. I mean, I would normally kind of enjoy that, but we don't get THAT many beautiful Saturdays. But okay.

And those are pretty much my hoops. After that I'm good--have to notorize a couple of letters and do the home meeting, but generally, nothing big left. Kind of amazing, that.

We have told my parents, and another set of friends--one is a pediatric plastic surgeon, so he knows his stuff on clefts and of course, that's a possibility, so we had to get the scoop. 

But that's what's up! My enthusiasm level is back, too. I'm in for the ride now.